Nuno Prospero dos Santos

Mens Agitat Molem - "Mind moves Matter"

Converting KML to SHP or SHP to KML

You can use many different free tools (such as Zonum Solutions or ArcScripts) to convert from Keyhole Markup Language (KML) to ESRI Shapefile (SHP) and vice-versa.

The best advice I can give you is keeping on thing in mind: Google Earth only reads and writes KML/KMZ using the WGS 1984 coordinate system. That means that:

  • If you are converting SHP to KML, you should convert your shapefile to WGS1984. Use the “Project” tool in ArcToolbox and select that coordinate system. You must define the projection function in order to work… Then, use the above tools to convert to KML. Simple.
  • In case you are converting KML to SHP, do the following: open the ArcMap with a blank document. Add any kind of shapefile in your own coordinate system (Datum, UTM, etc). The mxd will gain that coord system. Convert the KML to SHP using the tools I’ve mentioned before. Add the output shapefile to the mxd and ArcMap will convert it to your coordinate system. If you want it permanently in that format, use the Project tool in ArcToolbox. Remember to fill in the projection function.

Success? Troubles? If you have any doubts related to this matter, contact me.

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  1. cesar November 8, 2009


  2. mario November 8, 2009

    Very interesting point that you make.

  3. fevisis June 3, 2010

    Hi all,

    We have Google Earth (KML) To ESRI Shapefile Convertor with all need of seniero.

    Best Regards
    fevisis dev team

  4. fevisis dev team June 3, 2010

    Hi all,

    We have a converter to convert Google Earth’s KML file to Shape file(kml2shp). This converter can convert any type of KML to the Shape file format as per the standards. With this converter, you get the advantage of having your own shape file for any area of the world thus relieving your need to search or purchase the Shape file . This converter proves to be a User Friendly one as its GUI is so simple that you don’t need to specify anything for conversion.

    You all get this for a very minimal one time cost. If you like to have your own converter for generating shape file, reach us at [email protected]

    Best Regards
    fevisis dev team

  5. upali July 5, 2010

    KML To Shapefile Converter

  6. ofelia August 19, 2013

    Atrsao na aentrega de uma encomenda proveniente de MAPUTO/MOZAMBIQUE

    Nº da encomenda CP000023386MZ
    Destinatário: Sidónio Pais Aguiar Frederico – CHAVES
    Remetente: ANA DAVI – maputo – Mozambique

    gostaria de saber o estado desta encomenda pois nunca mais foi recebida nem houve contactos da vossa parte. melhores cumprimentos, ofelia

  7. José M.Ferreira January 10, 2014

    Bom dia,

    Encontro-me a contacta-lo no sentido de pedir esclarecimentos relativamente ao Tracking Encomendas CTT duma encomenda que enviei para os USA.

    Na altura solicitei que me fosse facultado numero de tracking, tendo-me sido facultado o numero do registo (RD361691170PT).

    Acontece que, desde 02/01/2014 até à presente data, a única informação disponível, apenas, refere que a encomenda foi expedida de Lisboa, nada mais aparecendo.

    O que é no mínimo estranho!!!

    Ao aceder ao site dos CTT e solicitar o estado do envio da encomenda com o numero de registo supra sou remetido para o seu endereço, mas a informação é a mesma.

    Tenho necessidade de saber a localização da encomenda, pelo mais variados motivos, pelo que solicitava informação adicional para que possa ser transmitida ao destinatário que, da mesma forma, não consegue saber onde se encontra a encomenda.

    Aguardando V/ prezadas noticias, creia-me.

    José M.Ferreira

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